My Blog
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When Should You See Your Pediatrician?

As parents, it's natural to feel concerned about your child's health and well-being, especially when they're experiencing symptoms or discomfort. While many childhood illnesses and injuries can be managed at Read More

How Often Should My Child Be Seeing a Pediatrician?

Here’s the scoop on why you should be bringing your little ones in to see a pediatrician regularly. It's important that you make time to bring your children in to see Read More

The Role of Pediatricians in Early Childhood Development

Monitoring your child’s development is an important part of what a pediatrician does. It’s important to visit your pediatrician, because child development is a complex area and needs the expertise Read More

Bringing Your Child in for Whooping Cough

Pertussis, more commonly referred to as whooping cough, is a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs. The nickname comes from the “whooping” sound that occurs when a child breathes. While Read More

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